
“Devoted to achieving consistent growth and excellence through team work, participation and involvement.”


Why Specialty Chemicals?

Because We excel in,
Fulfilling your Chemical Needs;
Excellent Customer Service;
Quality Products

Our employees develop and manufacture chemicals for customers worldwide who produce consumer, industrial and packaging products. Speciality Chemical Industries (Pvt) Ltd. works with a commitment to Responsible Care to ensure effective health, safety, security and environmental stewardship. We at Speciality Chemical creates value by focusing on our customers first. We deliver innovative technology and products through service and collaboration, which means we place high-value on our relationships, as well as our research and development.

Speciality Chemical and its employees practice a culture of dignity, respect, openness, and honesty with one another and in the communities where we live and work. We are committed to the ultimate goal of creating long life customer relationships. In our endeavor to make it easy for our customers to do business with us, we passionately strive for continuous improvement.

CSR - Corporate Social Resposibility

SCI provides products with responsibility, helping the world move towards a future in which the products we use causes minimum impact on our planet. We recognize the importance of climate change, along with our role in helping people to achieve and maintain a good quality of life.

We aim to limit any impact on the environment and support the transition towards a lower-carbon future. Chemicals or product spills damage the environment and endanger our employees and community. To avoid spills and leakages of hazardous substances, we work hard to make sure our facilities are well designed, safely operated, and appropriately inspected and maintained. We invest in the equipment and human expertise required to deal with any spills that happen.

Waste water from our plant and surface washing is properly disposed and no harm to fresh water is caused.